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Jessica Anne Bender

About  Me

Hey! I'm Jessica, Im 18 years old, I am a Freshman at DePaul University in Chicago. I am studying Computer Science with a minor in photography and graphic design. I graduated from Cary-Grove High School in 2016. I took Vistual Art in Tecnology my Freshman year and have been in love with photography ever since. I took photos one my sophmore year and AP photos my senior! The number to the left represents the number of years I have been doing photography. As of right now I pretty much like to photograph anything. Over the past year though, I have been foucing on sports, and portraits of people in their uniforms. I  summitted this for my concentration for AP, and received a 4.


In the future I plan on travling the world for photography. I'm going to try to make a goal to post something new every week but we'll see how that works out! 


My Senior year of High School I desided to take Graphic design to expand my knolage of computer art. I took Graphic Design 1 first semester and then Graphic Design 2 second semester. I am really starting to grow a love for graphic design. I want to try and make graphic design my second minor. I made the musical poster for my high school. I alsio made the offical logo for a running group. I also have plans to make a logo for a couple strating their own businus. Graphic Design is defantly somthing that I like to do but photogrpahy is still my number one.

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Graphic Design

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